The waiting game

I’m having to keep myself busy so I don’t go crazy waiting to hear how G’s interview went. I’ve eaten half a bag of potato chips, paced the living room a dozen times, and “friendly” stalked way too many blogs to count. I’ve also started cleaning out my my infamous junk drawer. While cleaning, I found a very special menu that my sweet husband made for me during the beginning stages of pregnancy. It was my first craving and unfortunately for me, it could not be found anywhere within a 60 mile radius of Charlottesville. For some reason, the good people of Virginia just don’t know a thing about fried porkchops.

On March 31, 2007, G and I spent an entire afternoon calling every restaurant we could find that served up good ole homecookin’ and thick, juicy fried porkchops. Our search got us nowhere and after seeing my rage, G stepped up to the plate and came up with his own at-home restaurant specializing in all things fried. He typed up a formal menu and presented it to me. The menu contained an appetizer of Sadie’s Fried Squash, side orders of Lip-Smackin’ Lima Beans, Baby’s Fried Okra, and Unit-head Cornbread (“Unit” is one of the many nicknames that I call Garrett), and an endless serving of G’s Buttermilk Fried Pork Chops. The meal was delicious. Our kitchen smelled like fried pork chops for the next 2 weeks, satisfying my craving for months to come. Better than the meal was finding the menu that G typed up for me. I am so fortunate to have such a sweet and thoughtful husband!

With G out of town for the night, I invited myself over for a girl’s slumber party at Julie’s house. Three mamas, three babies 6-16 months of age, two dogs, and a batch of homemade lasagna made for an unforgettable night!

Update 2:00 pm: I spoke to Garrett and the interview went well. We should know something by Tuesday. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on any news!

The cousins first bath together–Hendley 16  months, Mary Reese 9 months

Sweet baby Tyler also joined the girls for bathtime

This entry was posted in family, mary reese, memories. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to The waiting game

  1. Clare says:

    I’m the first comment, YAY!! I love this post…the waiting game is hard, but G is the cutest husband EVER!!! I can’t believe he did that, how sweet. I need to pass on this story to Chris ASAP! The girls looked like they had a great time at the slumber party. XO, Clare

  2. Julie says:

    I’m so not even worried about Uncle G. Everyone that meets him loves him and he is going to get this job for sure!

    Your pics definitely turned out mo betta than mine.

  3. kate says:

    Hi! AAAHHh! I can’t wait to hear..please let me it for ATL or Athens? So glad you are back from Vaca..I missed you! PLease keep me informed as soon as you know…

    PS- W is going into overdrive to make things better after the whole KC incident. He suggested a balloon ride over Atl, what? I think its cute watching him scramble…I’ll let you know what else I am being rewarded with :)

  4. Joy says:

    I’ll keep this on my prayer list…

    The pictures are so cute…You Harrell girls are killing me with the bows and pajamas… : )

  5. Jennifer Watson says:

    I mean, that little boy is so dang cute (if I do say so myself!).

    I only wish we lived closer so we could have more slumber parties…so fun!

  6. Tyler looks so happy in the middle of those beautiful girls!

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