Blessings from above

MR was taking “Ms. Rosy” out for a spin when the good news came in…

We are relieved to report that G’s biopsy showed no signs of cancer in the lymph nodes! This news is a reminder of how magnificent our God truly is! It’s also a testament to the power of prayer! Thank you all for lifting our family up during our time of need.

Off to celebrate with my two favorite people…a big juicy steak and nice cold beer await us!

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6 Responses to Blessings from above

  1. Julie says:

    I wish you would celebrate by making some cookies.

    What awesome news.

  2. Joy says:

    Truly a miracle…so happy for you and G…and MR and the rest of the family.

    Now you can focus on packing : )

    JP and I are so excited about yall moving back to GA. He said that it would actually be nice to meet yall since he hears so much about you…

  3. Jennifer Watson says:

    I mean, I am in a total state of awe over the power of prayer. I’m not sure I ever got down on my knees, in the middle of the floor ever before in my life, but I pleaded with God for this news. I know tons of other people did the exact same thing, and we can now all testify of His awesomeness for sure!

    I know you and G feel a HUGE relief. Now, on to moving…

    After all your stressors subside, I think you deserve more than a steak and a beer. You need something like a two-week stay at an all-inclusive resort!

    By the way, make Julie some cookies. Please. She has already mentioned them in several locations today. I think she must be desperate over there. :) :) :)

  4. Gran C says:

    You know, Jenn Watson is so right, sometimes you just send up a prayer and then all of a sudden you are faced with a situation when you just forget the pride and you just splatter yourself on the floor and cry out to God. G Unit’s melanoma was just one of those times. I just join with many others and say thank you Jesus for healing his body, thank you Dr’s and the medical knowledge that God has gifted ya’ll with. Thank you Garrett for being the person that God wonderfully created. God has gifted you with great patience and strength and that has enabled you to put up with the “Harrell’s”.
    Love, Carol

  5. Lindsay says:

    How WONDERFUL!! What a great day! Also, I made the pork chops last night and they were fantastic! Thanks!

  6. paige says:

    so thrilled to hear the news

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