Fits, tantrums, messes, and homemade cookies

I knew as soon as I typed a post to brag on my sweet my kids, they would turn on me. Sure enough…MR said she barley noticed my “angry face” today. Apparently I’d been wearing it so long that my face had frozen into a permanent scowl. It wasn’t that I was keeping score, it was just a total awareness that my kids had defeated me. Huttie dumped the trashcan over no less than a dozen times; rubbed Vaseline all over the sink and mirror in the bathroom; had fit after fit; pinched; hit; pushed; and pulled his sisters hair. I had to laugh to keep from crying. Spend money to keep from screaming. And hold my breath to keep from cussing. And just when I was about to throw in the towel, MR grabbed her apron and suggested baking cookies. A messy kitchen and four dozen cookies later, all was well. Thank the Lord for do overs. For homemade chocolate chip cookies. And for the realization that you can’t appreciate the good without a little of the bad!

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One Response to Fits, tantrums, messes, and homemade cookies

  1. big daddy says:

    I’m glad you are blogging on a regular basis now. It helps to get my day off to a good start. Hope that will continue thru the new year. Love, Big Daddy

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