Packing away my worries

Its 10:50 pm and I have just spent the last 2 hours ironing clothes that are sure to get wrinkled on our 9-11 hour journey to the coast. It’s been 2 years since our last vacation and I want things to be perfect. I have two more loads of laundry to get done, a trip to the dry cleaners, a quick outing to find a pair of white shorts, and an appointment for much needed pedicure. And then, we’re off. The plan is to leave Wednesday morning at 5 am. We’ll spend 4 days at my parents place off the coast of Georgia, one night in Waycross to visit family, and then a week in Fernandina to relax on the beach. I can’t wait!

Thank you all once again for lifting Garrett up in your prayers and thoughts. All went as expected at G’s appointment today. They removed more tissue from his upper arm and left behind an ugly incision with 13 stitches. He also had blood work done and a chest xray. The results should be in the next 7-10 days, so I will keep you posted. G has another appointment with the dermatologist on the day we get back from vacation. Two days later, he is off to Schenectady, NY for an interview. The job is in Marietta so we are really hoping this one works out.

Ahhh yes, things have certainly been a little crazy around the Harvey household. To make matters even more interesting, after we get back from vacation, we have exactly 2 weeks to pack up our house and figure out where we are going to live next year. But first things first. I’ve got vacation on the mind and 13 nicely pressed dresses for my sweet baby girl to wear on her first trip to the beach! I’m packing my worries away and praying that God will get us through the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Below are some pictures I “borrowed” from my sister’s blog of Hendley and MR. Thank you once again Julie for taking such good care of MR today. I’m also enclosing a few pictures from Sunday. After church, Clare and Chris invited us over for grilled chicken, corn on the cob, pasta salad, and melt in your mouth buttered biscuits. Bradley and Mary Reese had a great time playing on the swing set and riding in the wagon. The food and fellowship were a wonderful reminder of how lucky we are to have these new friends in our lives.

Mary Reese (9 months) and Hendley (16 months)

I love the look on Hendley’s face in this picture. Hendley couldn’t figure out why MR got so upset after she ripped the duck out of her hand

No doubt about it…she is her daddy’s child. As Gran C would say, “It’s little Garrett with a bow”

Swinging with Bradley

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8 Responses to Packing away my worries

  1. Jennifer Watson says:

    I LOVE that last picture! Priceless!

    We will continue to pray for G’s healing and for all of you as you face the unknown. Just know that there is always a blessing on the other side!

    Enjoy the beach! It will be a blast to watch MR see the ocean for the first time! Can’t wait to see pics when you return!

  2. Julie says:

    That last picture is so cute.

    Wish there was room for me and LL in your suitcase. It would take a BIG bag!

  3. Joy says:

    MR gets cuter every day! I can’t wait to see the pictures too…

    Have fun on your vacation–and don’t worry about what lies ahead…God will take care of it all!

    Hope G is feeling better…that surgery sounded like he’d be a little sore today….

  4. Have a peaceful vacation, Carly. Sounds like you really, really need that right now!

  5. Wait, I forgot. Waycross? Who is in Waycross? I spent second to seventh grade in Waycross…

  6. Clare says:

    Hi Carly! I love the pictures of the cutie pies on the swings. I didn’t get a very good one:( I hope all of the packing goes well! I am jealous, have a wonderful time on your trip! Love, Clare

  7. Erin says:

    Carly, have the most wonderful trip!! I’ll miss you while you’re gone but look forward to all the great pictures when you return!! :)
    (And, we’re thinking about you & G…y’all enjoy the time away!) Love, Erin

  8. paige says:

    praying for your sweet guy this morning…

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