The reality

I haven’t showered in two days. I am knee deep in frizzy hair, runny noses, toys, and sewing projects. The picture above is my reality.

I need to get organized. I want to paint, add molding to the hallway, landscape the yard, get a haircut, clean out my closet, and have a much needed date night with my husband. And while I “want” to do all of these things, I can’t seems to stop long enough to get my hand out of the Lucky Charms cereal box. Surely two boxes in a week can’t be good for the waistline!

As always, I will put off my “wants” for another week. As for this week, I will enjoy (and not cuss) every toy that I trip over; every box of cereal that I consume; every shower-less day; and every second that I get to spend with two kids who could care less about my frizzy hair and my inability to refrain from cereal long enough to complete a to-do list.

It’s hard to believe that our little wildman will be 10 months old tomorrow. He is crawling much faster these days and has started pulling up. He is still eating baby food three times a day, but loves to snack on sweets like his mama (especially cookies, cereal, and ice cream). He continues to take two naps a day; although his naps have gotten shorter. His stranger anxiety seems to be improving with age. He goes to Sunday School and the kid zone in the gym with relatively no problems. He loves his big sister and will crawl from room to room to be with her. He also loves the spring doorstops in our house and had broken all but one.

Big sister has spent the week strolling her books from room to room. This in turn means that there are book everywhere. The only way to get them up is to threaten the vacuum. MR knows that my Dyson means business. It can suck up books, shoes, toys, and even little girls and boys who don’t listen to their mamas.

MR also started swim lessons this week. We’re about a month away from our beach trip, so she’s hoping to master “holding her bref” so she can go under the water in the deep end.

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2 Responses to The reality

  1. Bethany says:

    Isn’t our reality great? Just love it!

    Molly loves those springy door stoppers, too. Wears them out!

    Here’s to hoping you get some items checked off your to-do list this weekend! Even if that does just mean a good long shower! :)

  2. Mia says:

    The picture of Mr. Handsome right under the comment about the broken door stoppers was so very appropriate….looks like he has that guilty look all over his face. Beautiful family and precious children!

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