A birthday celebration and a very nasty bug

My sweet friend Kristi celebrated her birthday this past Thursday. To honor her special day, we invited her family over for a Mexican fiesta. G made his infamous guacamole and fired up the grill for marinated steak tacos. Kristi made a delicious Mexican salad and I baked up a two layer brownie cake with whipped icing and strawberries. The kids played beautifully together, allowing the grown ups a chance to relax, laugh, and reminisce.

The night couldn’t have been more perfect, or so we thought. About half way through dinner, I started feeling nauseous. Never one to pass up a meal, I chalked it up to pregnancy and proceeded with dessert. By the time our guests left, I knew I was in trouble. From 10 pm to 2 am, I hugged the toilet while G desperately tried to get in touch with the on-call OBGYN and line up a sitter for sweet MR. By 2:30 am, we were on our way to the hospital. We left MR in the care of Aunt and Uncle B, who were kind enough to make the 30 minute drive to our house in the middle of the night.

What we thought would be an hour long visit to labor and delivery ended in a 3 and a half day stay, eight bags of IV fluid, three sonograms, and over 24 hours of NPO (no food or drink) . Pancreatitis was the initial diagnosis, but a nasty bug seems to be the more likely culprit. Since my discharge on Monday evening, both G and Julie have come down with similar symptoms (Julie spent several hours today at the same hospital).

This bug is sure enough a nasty one; as of yesterday (day 5) I was still making frequent trips to the bathroom. We are praying that the end is in sight and so thankful that it has not had an effect on Baby Hutson and my sweet niece-to-be, Anna Bea.

Browinie Delight- 1 box of brownie mix (follow directions on box); strawberries for center of cake; combine a container of cool whip and a box of instant vanilla pudding for the icing; chill and serve with vanilla ice cream and cut up strawberries.

kw cake

kw three monkies

kw hug

26.5 weeks pregnant and back home with my #1 girl!

car mr


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3 Responses to A birthday celebration and a very nasty bug

  1. Joy Peterson says:

    I sure am glad you and baby Hutson are feeling much better! That sounds like it was an awful experience for sure…and I hate that Julie and G have it now…prayers for their quick recovery!

  2. Lynn says:

    Oh no I was hoping G wouldn’t get it, but glad you are much better. Thank goodness it didn’t spread like wildfire thru our house like it did last time. Jacob got it but not as bad as I had it. Please call me if you need help with anything. Take care and we love ya.

  3. Clare Winn says:

    i hope you are all feeling better! that sounds so scary and awful! thinking of you;)

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