Bullying, breakdowns, and a major blow-out

I know,  it’s just a pair of shoes, but MR’s latest purchase makes her look more like a toddler than a baby. I’m still not sure how I feel about the transformation…

The goal of the day was to enjoy being outdoors. MR and I sat outside and read about Lucille the Hippo, sang nursery rhymes, and visited with our 86 year old neighbor who still insists on referring to Mary Reese as “that cute litttle boy”–despite the fact she always has a bow in her hair and is dressed in pink.

To top off the day, we went on a long walk.  As soon I got to the end of the driveway, I realized that I forgot my sunglasses. Too lazy to turn back, I decided to forge ahead; I spent the next two miles regretting this decision.

About a mile and a half into our walk, MR and I decided to stop at UVA to sit in the shade and enjoy watching the students pack for the summer. I can tell I’m getting older because I equate the students leaving with less traffic. As we sat, we were joined by another mom and her baby. While we chatted and exchanged numbers, MR managed to push the other baby over, steal his passy, and hit him over the head repeatedly with her doll, Lucy. So much for another playdate; that sweet lady couldn’t get away fast enough.

Before continuing on our journey, I got out my camera to take a few pictures of MR. In the midst of making high-pitched “mommy noises” to get her attention, poor MR had a blowout…a major blowout. With only one diaper and no wipes, I knew I had a decision to make…find a soft leaf or use her favorite blanket as a wipe. Surrounded by magnolia trees, I was forced to choose the latter.

Stuffing the dirty blanket and diaper in the bottom of the stroller, MR and I made a mad dash for the house. When we got home, I reached in the under-basket of the stroller to retrieve my keys. When I did, my sunglasses feel off my head–the sunglasses that I thought I had left at home– the sunglasses that I so desperately wanted throughout our walk…I had to laugh.

Our afternoon adventure proved to be too much for MR. When we got home she slept a record 3 hours and 10 minutes. Her extra-long nap meant that I got a chance to blog, catch up on laundry, do the dishes, and get supper started!

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2 Responses to Bullying, breakdowns, and a major blow-out

  1. Erin says:

    Quite an afternoon, you two!! :)

  2. Jennifer Watson says:

    I can’t believe your sunglasses were on your head the whole time!!! SO funny!

    The blow-out sounds like a mess, but I’m glad you were able to manage a smile when all was said and done!

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