A weekend in review

After the traumatic events of MR’s first fall, I was bound and determined to make it up to sweet Mary Reese. As soon as G got off work on Friday afternoon, we headed to Friday’s After Five to enjoy Christian’s Pizza and music at the downtown pavilion. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect! MR had so much fun waving to passersby and watching the big kids dance and play.

We started our Saturday off with brunch at the Tavern. I ordered my usual–pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage. G opted for a cheeseburger and onion rings. MR snacked on Gerber Puffs while dining for the first time in a restaurant high chair. 

After brunch, we headed to Crutchfield to address some problems we had been having with our camera. Leaving the store, we ran into Julie who was having a trunk sell in the TJ Maxx parking lot. She was nice enough to give us a sneak peak of some of her goods. 

When we got home from all of our errands, MR had to endure yet another photo shoot. She insisted on bringing her favorite doll Lucy. Unfortunately, Lucy was not as cooperative as MR; she refused to show her face in any of the pictures.

On Saturday afternoon, we treated MR to yet another first–the playground. MR wasn’t sure what to think of the swings; she liked them one minute and was ready to get down the next. I’m pretty sure she has inherited my overly cautious “henny-penney” personality.



Sunday was spent attending church and going fishing. Although G didn’t catch a single fish, we had a great time being outdoors and listening to a group of twenty-somethings discuss dating, tanning beds, and the latest fashions at Old Navy.

Hope you all had a great weekend! MR and I are headed to the grocery store. This is the first time since she has been born that I have attempted to make a weekly menu. Tonight’s meal: chicken marsala with pancetta and cream sauce, asparagus, and creme brulee for desert. I will let you know how it goes and post any recipes that are worthy of a second dish.

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5 Responses to A weekend in review

  1. Julie says:

    Isn’t there a law that says someone has to grant permission to post a picture of them in a public place?! Or does the law become nonexistent if the picture makes them look like a fat hog? You wait, I’ll get you back, G. Even if I have to hide in the bushes over there on Price Avenue to get a terrible picture of you. It will happen.

    Those are cute swing pictures. Bring Lucy with MR Thursday. I’m hoping she will spark HCB’s interest in dolls.

  2. Joy says:

    Is that menu for real? That sounds like a restaurant menu…JP and Addison are lucky if they get some grilled chicken on the Foreman and some instant potatoes…

    Since you are obviously a cook, you should share some recipes with those of us who are not gifted in the cooking area…

    Love the pictures of MR!!!

  3. carly says:

    The meal turned out great and I plan on posting the recipe for the chicken marsala; however, I almost burnt the house down while cooking the asparagus in the oven. I forgot to put a pan under the asparagus to catch the juices and smoke filled our entire house. Needless to say, we enjoyed our meal outside.

    I very rarely cook. Cereal is usually the highlight of our night:)

  4. jessie says:

    I am loving the website. Now I get to
    see all of you and keep up with your
    beautiful family.

  5. Jennifer Watson says:

    Okay, my husband would probably give his left foot to eat a delicious meal like that! Sounds yummy!

    I love the fishing/bubbles pictures. Such sweet moments with your precious little girl! She’s growing up so fast!

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