God bless Ben and Jerry’s…

This afternoon MR and I made the 3 mile hike to Ben and Jerry’s to get a scoop of of triple caramel chunk ice cream. We had a great time chatting away as we walked. We talked about supper, the dog, cousin Hendley, manners…We talked and walked so much, that I decided to “up” my single scoop of ice cream to a double.

I’m not sure how long it took for us to get to Ben and Jerry’s, but it felt like an eternity! Huffing and puffing with a stroller and over-packed diaper bag, I could hardly wait to enjoy my treat. While I was set on ordering my favorite flavor, I insisted on sampling a few just to make sure. As I sampled, I noticed that the parlor was getting more and more busy. Realizing that MR was due for a bottle and in desperate need of an afternoon nap, I quickly placed my order and reached for the diaper bag to get out my wallet…

I searched, and searched, and searched…no wallet. I then proceeded to empty all of my belongings out on the counter while the clerk patiently held my double scoop of triple caramel chuck. Two onesies, five diapers, a pack of wipes, a pair of shoes, a stuffed animal, links, two books…yep, all of it! Still, no wallet.

At this point, the line was getting longer and longer and MR was starting to get fussy. I panicked; I wanted to disappear! I knew that I had three options. The first was to apologize and leave. I quickly ruled this one out; there was no way I was going to walk all the way back home empty-handed. The next option was to call my sister, Julie. She was sure to bail me out, but as luck would have it, she was nowhere to be found. The only option left was to play the sympathy card. I explained (with a little exaggeration) that we had walked long and far for a scoop of ice cream and that I must have left my wallet at home. Wiping the sweat from my face, I let out a big sigh, gave my most desperate look, and prayed a quick prayer that she would have mercy on me. 

Well lo and behold if the good Lord didn’t hear me! The next thing I knew, the girl behind the counter gave me a big smile and handed over my double scoop of ice cream! Despite being totally embarrassed, I was struck by her kindness and promised to leave her a tip the next time we stopped by.

When we got home, MR had a major blow-out (I will spare you of the details) and I stumbled across my wallet in the driveway of all places; no worries, everything was still there. I’m sure I will get a big lecture about this when G gets home, but at least I got to enjoy my free double scoop of ice cream!

MR offered to carry my keys in her bunny purse on our walk; unfortunately, she didn’t have any money to pay for the ice cream either.

I think our walk must have exhausted MR; I haven’t heard a peep from her since I put her down for an early bedtime at 6:30!

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3 Responses to God bless Ben and Jerry’s…

  1. Erin says:

    I’ve definitely done that—at Target!!! Unfortunately they didn’t let me have my loot for free but my wallet was only as far as the car. I’m so glad you got free ice cream–yummy! :)

  2. Julie says:

    Next time we will drive to Ben and Jerry’s! I can’t believe y’all walked that far.

  3. Joy says:

    Ice cream is wonderful, but free ice cream…now that’s heaven sent for sure!!!

    What a sweet lady to give you the ice cream for free…you’ll have to really tip her well the next time ya’ll go!

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